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G-Dragon continues to receive negative result in hair analysis “Behind his confident claim of ‘innocence'”

According to legal circles on Nov 20th, the National Forensic Service recently informed the Incheon Metropolitan Police Agency’s Narcotics Crime Investigation Division that a drug-negative reaction was detected in G-Dragon’s hair through precise analysis. The results of the nail analysis have not yet been released, and only the hair analysis results were reported to the police.

Earlier, on Nov 6th, during the investigation process where G-Dragon was being questioned as a suspect under the Narcotics Control Act, the police conducted a quick reagent test. When a negative reaction was obtained, additional hair and nail samples were collected for precise analysis by the National Forensic Service. In the case of hair, it is possible to confirm drug use for up to about a year depending on the length of the hair, and the nail analysis method can determine drug use from 5~6 months ago.


On Oct 25th, the police booked G-Dragon without detention on charges of violating the Narcotics Control Act. The investigation against G-Dragon began after the manager of an entertainment establishment in Gangnam, who was arrested on charges of psychotropic drugs, stated in a police investigation in early December last year “After G-Dragon used the restroom, suspicious packaging was found. G-Dragon’s behavior after that also seemed strange”, prompting the police to start investigating G-Dragon.


In response, G-Dragon said “I’ve never used drugs” and voluntarily attended the police investigation on Nov 6th, where a preliminary reagent test was conducted on him, with negative results. Subsequently, some criticized the investigation, claiming it relied solely on statements rather than concrete evidence. With the confirmation of negative results in the precise analysis of G-Dragon’s hair, the criticism against the police for conducting an excessive investigation against G-Dragon is expected to intensify.

Meanwhile, G-Dragon firmly asserted his innocence through an exclusive interview with Yonhap News TV on Nov 13th, stating, “Of course, the result of the precise test should be negative. I’ve never used drugs, nor have I traded them. If any substances are detected in my body, it’d be even more absurd.”

Source: naver

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