In the latest episode of “Running Man,” which aired on November 26th, actress Shin Ye-eun and former gamer Hong Jin-ho, appeared as guests and participated in a Singapore special with the members of “Running Man.”
In this episode, before a foot massage, Shin Ye-eun suddenly smelled her feet and made everyone laugh, without even caring that the camera was filming. Upon the Running Man members’ surprise, Shin Ye-eun suddenly said, “My sister told me I could eat bibimbap with my toes,” adding to the humor. Yoo Jae-seok, who saw Shin Ye-eun’s potentials with unexpected remarks and actions, even admitted, “Ye-eun, if you’re okay, come to Running Man again next week.“
Meanwhile, actress Jeon So-min recently dropped out of “Running Man” after six years of broadcasting on the 12th. With Jeon So-min’s departure, “Running Man” will be operated with a six-person cast for the time being. For this reason, which star will be put in place of Jeon So-min’s replacement has become a hot topic.